- George Mason University
- A-Z Courses
- Academic English (AE)
- Accounting (ACCT)
- African and African American Studies (AFAM)
- Anthropology (ANTH)
- Applied Information Technology (AIT)
- Arabic (ARAB)
- Art and Visual Technology (AVT)
- Art History (ARTH)
- Artificial Intelligence Innovation (AII)
- Arts Management (AMGT)
- Assistive Technology (EDAT)
- Astronomy (ASTR)
- Athletic Training Education Program (ATEP)
- Bachelor of Individualized Study (BIS)
- Bachelor's of Applied Science (BAS)
- Biodefense (BIOD)
- Bioengineering (BENG)
- Bioinformatics (BINF)
- Biology (BIOL)
- Biomedical Research (BIMR)
- Biomedical Sciences (BMED)
- Biosciences (BIOS)
- Business (BUS)
- Business and Legal Studies (BULE)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Chinese (CHIN)
- Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (CEIE)
- Classics (CLAS)
- Climate Dynamics (CLIM)
- College of Engineering and Computing (CEC)
- College of Humanities & Social Sciences (CHSS)
- College of Science (COS)
- College of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA)
- Communication (COMM)
- Computational and Data Sciences (CDS)
- Computational Sciences and Informatics (CSI)
- Computational Social Science (CSS)
- Computer Game Design (GAME)
- Computer Science (CS)
- Computing (COMP)
- Conflict Analysis and Resolution (CONF)
- Conservation Studies (CONS)
- Construction Management (CM)
- Counseling and Development (EDCD)
- Criminology (CRIM)
- Cultural Studies (CULT)
- Curriculum and Instruction (EDCI)
- Cyber Security Engineering (CYSE)
- Dance (DANC)
- Data Analytics Engineering (DAEN)
- Design (DSGN)
- Digital Forensics (DFOR)
- Early Childhood Education (ECED)
- Economics (ECON)
- Education (EDUC)
- Education Instructional Technology (EDIT)
- Education Leadership (EDLE)
- Education Policy (EDPO)
- Education Research (EDRS)
- Educational Psychology (EDEP)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)
- Elementary Education (ELED)
- Engineering (ENGR)
- English (ENGH)
- English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
- Environmental Science and Policy (EVPP)
- Exercise, Fitness, and Health Promotion (EFHP)
- Film and Video Studies (FAVS)
- Finance (FNAN)
- Folklore Studies (FOLK)
- Foreign Language (FRLN)
- Forensic Science (FRSC)
- French (FREN)
- Geography and Geoinformation Science (GGS)
- Geology (GEOL)
- German (GERM)
- Global Affairs (GLOA)
- Global and Community Health (GCH)
- Global Commerce and Policy (GCP)
- Global Education Office (GEOC)
- Government (GOVT)
- Graduate School of Business (GBUS)
- Greek (GREE)
- Health (HEAL)
- Health Administration and Policy (HAP)
- Hebrew (HEBR)
- Higher Education (HE)
- History (HIST)
- Honors College (HNRS)
- Honors College (Science/Math) (HNRT)
- Human Development and Family Science (HDFS)
- Information Security Assurance (ISA)
- Information Security Management (ISM)
- Information Systems (INFS)
- Information Technology (IT)
- Integrative Studies (INTS)
- Interdisciplinary Studies (MAIS)
- International Year One (INYO)
- Italian (ITAL)
- Japanese (JAPA)
- Kinesiology (KINE)
- Korean (KORE)
- Latin (LATN)
- Latin American Studies (LAS)
- Law School (LAW)
- Linguistics (LING)
- Management (MGMT)
- Management of Information Systems (MIS)
- Management of Secure Information Systems (MSEC)
- Marketing (MKTG)
- Master of Science in Finance (MSF)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- MBA--Interdisciplinary (MBA)
- Mechanical Engineering (ME)
- Medical Laboratory Science (MLAB)
- Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)
- Military Science (MLSC)
- Minor in Business (MBUS)
- MS Business Analytics (MSBA)
- Music (MUSI)
- Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS)
- Neuroscience (NEUR)
- Nursing (NURS)
- Nutrition and Food Studies (NUTR)
- Operations & Supply Chain Management (OSCM)
- Operations Research (OR)
- Organization Development and Knowledge Management (ODKM)
- Persian (PERS)
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Physical Education (PHED)
- Physics (PHYS)
- Policy and Government (POGO)
- Portuguese (PORT)
- Professional Development in Education (EDPD)
- Provost (PROV)
- Psychology (PSYC)
- Public Administration (PUAD)
- Public Health (PH)
- Public Policy (PUBP)
- Reading (EDRD)
- Real Estate Development (REAL)
- Recreation (RECR)
- Recreation Management (RMGT)
- Religious Studies (RELI)
- Renewable Energy (RENE)
- Russian (RUSS)
- School Psychology (SPSY)
- Secondary Education (SEED)
- Social Work (SOCW)
- Sociology (SOCI)
- Software Engineering (SWE)
- Spanish (SPAN)
- Special Education (EDSE)
- Sport Management (SPMT)
- Sport, Recreation and Tourism Management (SRTM)
- Sports and Recreation Studies (SRST)
- Statistics (STAT)
- System Engineering (SYST)
- Systems Engineering and Operations Research (SEOR)
- Technology Management (TECM)
- Telecommunications (TCOM)
- Theater (THR)
- Tourism and Events Management (TOUR)
- Turkish (TURK)
- University Studies (UNIV)
- Urban and Suburban Studies (USST)
- Women and Gender Studies (WMST)
- About Mason
- Admissions
- Archives
- Colleges and Schools
- Antonin Scalia Law School
- College of Education and Human Development
- School of Education
- Add-On Endorsement in Special Education, General Curriculum Graduate Certificate
- American Sign Language Minor
- Applied Behavior Analysis Graduate Certificate
- Assistive Technology Graduate Certificate
- Assistive Technology Minor
- Autism Spectrum Disorders Graduate Certificate
- Blindness and Visual Impairments PK-12 Licensure Graduate Certificate
- Counseling Graduate Certificate
- Counseling, MEd
- Critical Studies in Education Graduate Certificate
- Curriculum and Instruction, MEd
- Early Childhood Education (PK-3) Licensure Graduate Certificate
- Early Childhood Education for Diverse Learners Minor
- Early Childhood Education for Diverse Learners, BSEd
- Early Childhood Special Education Licensure Graduate Certificate
- Education Assessment, Evaluation, and Data Literacy Graduate Certificate
- Education Leadership Graduate Certificate
- Education Policy Graduate Certificate
- Education, PhD
- Educational Psychology Minor
- Educational Psychology, MS
- Elementary Education, BSEd
- Gifted Education Graduate Certificate
- Inclusive Early Childhood Education, MEd
- International Baccalaureate (IB) in Teaching and Learning Graduate Certificate
- International School Leadership Practice Graduate Certificate
- Leadership and Human Development, MEd
- Learning Design and Technology, MS
- Learning Technologies Graduate Certificate
- Literacy Education, MEd
- Literacy/Reading Instruction Graduate Certificate
- Mild Disabilities Minor
- Personal Health and Wellness Minor
- Physical Education, BSEd
- Psychology, MA (CEHD)
- Research Methods Graduate Certificate
- School Psychology Graduate Certificate
- School Psychology, EdS
- Secondary Education - Biology (6-12) Undergraduate Certificate
- Secondary Education - Chemistry (6-12) Undergraduate Certificate
- Secondary Education - Computer Science (6-12) Undergraduate Certificate
- Secondary Education - Earth Science (6-12) Undergraduate Certificate
- Secondary Education - English (6-12) Undergraduate Certificate
- Secondary Education - Mathematics (6-12) Undergraduate Certificate
- Secondary Education - Physics (6-12) Undergraduate Certificate
- Secondary Education Licensure Graduate Certificate
- Secondary Education, BSEd
- Severe Disabilities Minor
- Special Education, BSEd
- Special Education, MEd
- Specialized Reading Instruction for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities Graduate Certificate
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) for PK-12 Practitioners Graduate Certificate
- Visual Impairment and Blindness Minor
- School of Kinesiology
- School of Sport, Recreation and Tourism Management
- Coaching Minor
- Esports Management Minor
- Event Technical Production Minor (CEHD)
- Food and Beverage Management Undergraduate Certificate
- Hospitality Management Minor
- Recreation Management Minor
- Recreation Management, BS
- Sport and American Culture Minor (CEHD)
- Sport and Computer Game Design Minor (CEHD)
- Sport and Conflict Resolution Minor (CEHD)
- Sport and Recreation Studies, MS
- Sport Coaching Graduate Certificate
- Sport Communication Minor (CEHD)
- Sport Management Graduate Certificate
- Sport Management Minor
- Sport Management, BS
- Sports Analytics Minor (CEHD)
- Tourism and Events Management Minor
- Tourism and Events Management, BS
- Wine and Craft Beverage Management Minor (CEHD)
- School of Education
- College of Engineering and Computing
- Computing Foundations Graduate Certificate
- Data Analytics Engineering, MS
- Data Analytics Graduate Certificate
- Information Technology, PhD
- Peace Engineering Minor (CEC)
- School of Computing
- STEM in Society Minor (CEC)
- Volgenau School of Engineering
- Department of Bioengineering
- Department of Cyber Security Engineering
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Advanced Networking Protocols for Telecommunications Graduate Certificate
- Computer Engineering, BS
- Computer Engineering, MS
- Digital Forensics, MS
- Electrical and Computer Engineering Minor
- Electrical and Computer Engineering, PhD
- Electrical Engineering, BS
- Electrical Engineering, MS
- Machine Learning for Embedded Systems Graduate Certificate
- Small Satellite Engineering Graduate Certificate
- Smart Grid Technology Graduate Certificate
- Systems Engineering Graduate Certificate (ECE)
- Telecommunications, MS
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research
- Aviation Flight Training and Management Minor
- Operations Research and Engineering Graduate Certificate
- Operations Research, MS
- Sustainable Systems Engineering Minor
- Systems and Industrial Engineering, BS
- Systems Engineering and Operations Research, PhD
- Systems Engineering Graduate Certificate (SEOR)
- Systems Engineering Minor
- Systems Engineering, MS
- Sid and Reva Dewberry Department of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering
- College of Humanities and Social Sciences
- African and African American Studies Program
- Cultural Studies Program
- Department of Communication
- Communication Minor
- Communication, BA
- Communication, MA
- Communication, PhD
- Health Communication Minor
- Journalism Minor
- Photojournalism Minor (CHSS)
- Political Communication Minor (CHSS)
- Professional Experience in Communication Minor
- Science Communication Graduate Certificate
- Sport Communication Minor (CHSS)
- Department of Criminology, Law and Society
- Department of Economics
- Department of English
- College Teaching Graduate Certificate (ENGL)
- Community and Public Writing Minor
- Creative Writing, BFA
- Creative Writing, MFA
- Digital Media and Web Design Minor (CHSS)
- Dynamic Publishing Minor (CHSS)
- English Minor
- English, BA
- English, MA
- Folklore and Mythology Minor
- Folklore Studies Graduate Certificate
- Linguistics Minor
- Linguistics, PhD
- Linguistics: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Graduate Certificate
- Literature and Composition Graduate Certificate
- Medieval Studies Minor
- Native American and Indigenous Studies Minor
- Professional and Technical Writing Graduate Certificate
- Professional and Technical Writing Minor
- Publishing Practice Graduate Certificate
- Screen Cultures Minor
- Teaching English as a Second Language Minor
- Writing and Rhetoric, PhD
- Department of History and Art History
- Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology Minor
- Art History Minor
- Art History, BA
- Art History, MA
- Digital Humanities Minor
- Digital Public Humanities Graduate Certificate
- Health, Disease, and Culture Minor
- History Minor
- History, BA
- History, MA
- History, PhD
- Museum Studies Minor
- Sport and American Culture Minor (CHSS)
- Department of Modern and Classical Languages
- Department of Philosophy
- Department of Psychology
- Applied Industrial and Organizational Psychology, MPS
- Applied Psychology Graduate Certificate
- Brain, Body and Behavior Minor
- Clinical Psychology Minor
- Cognitive Neuroscience Graduate Certificate
- Developmental Psychology Minor
- Forensic Psychology Minor
- Health Psychology Minor
- Industrial/Organizational Psychology Minor
- Psychology Minor
- Psychology, BA
- Psychology, BS
- Psychology, MA (CHSS)
- Psychology, PhD
- Department of Religious Studies
- Department of Sociology and Anthropology
- Global Affairs Program
- Latin American Studies Program
- Middle East and Islamic Studies Progam
- Russian and Eurasian Studies Program
- School of Integrative Studies
- Childhood Studies Minor
- College Teaching Graduate Certificate (SINT)
- Conservation Studies Minor (CHSS)
- Environmental and Sustainability Studies, BA (CHSS)
- Higher Education Administration Graduate Certificate
- Higher Education and Student Development, MA
- Human Development and Family Science Minor
- Human Development and Family Science, BA
- Individualized Study, BIS
- Integrative Studies, BA
- Integrative Studies, BS
- Interdisciplinary Studies, MAIS
- Leadership Minor
- Nonprofit Studies Minor
- Social Justice and Human Rights Minor
- Well-Being Minor
- Women and Gender Studies Program
- College of Public Health
- Department of Global and Community Health
- Department of Health Administration and Policy
- Health Administration, BS
- Health and Social Policy Minor (HAP)
- Health Informatics and Data Analytics Graduate Certificate
- Health Informatics, BS
- Health Informatics, MS
- Health Information Technology Minor
- Health Practice Management Undergraduate Certificate
- Health Services Research, PhD
- Health Systems Management Minor
- Health Systems Management, MHA
- Healthcare Quality Graduate Certificate
- Senior Housing Administration Minor
- Department of Nutrition and Food Studies
- Department of Social Work
- School of Nursing
- College of Science
- Advanced Biomedical Sciences Graduate Certificate
- Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Earth Sciences
- Department of Biology
- Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Department of Computational and Data Sciences
- Department of Environmental Science and Policy
- Conservation Biology Minor
- Conservation Studies Minor (COS)
- Environmental and Sustainability Management Graduate Certificate
- Environmental and Sustainability Studies, BA (COS)
- Environmental Consulting Minor
- Environmental Policy Minor
- Environmental Science and Policy, MS
- Environmental Science and Public Policy, PhD
- Environmental Science Minor
- Environmental Science, BS
- Sustainability Studies Minor
- Sustainable Enterprise Minor
- Department of Geography and Geoinformation Science
- Earth Systems and Geoinformation Sciences, PhD
- Earth Systems Science, MS (GGS)
- Environmental GIS and Biodiversity Conservation Graduate Certificate
- Geographic and Cartographic Sciences, MS
- Geographic Information Science Graduate Certificate
- Geographic Information Systems Minor
- Geography Minor
- Geography, BA
- Geography, BS
- Geoinformatics and Geospatial Intelligence, MS
- Geospatial Intelligence Graduate Certificate
- Remote Sensing and Image Processing Graduate Certificate
- Urban Informatics Minor
- Department of Mathematical Sciences
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Forensic Science Program
- Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience (IPN)
- Pre-Medical Undergraduate Certificate
- School of Systems Biology
- Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Graduate Certificate
- Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, MS
- Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, PhD
- Bioinformatics Management, MS
- Bioinformatics Management, Professional Science Master's
- Bioinformatics Minor
- Biology, MS
- Biosciences, PhD
- Cell and Molecular Biology Graduate Certificate
- Science and Technology Policy Minor
- Science Policy Graduate Certificate
- Scientific Leadership and Practice Minor
- STEM in Society Minor (COS)
- College of Visual and Performing Arts
- Arts Management Program
- Computer Game Design Program
- Film and Video Studies Program
- Reva and Sid Dewberry Family School of Music
- Artist Graduate Certificate
- Ethnomusicology Minor
- Jazz Studies Minor
- Music Composition Minor
- Music Education Licensure for PK-12 Graduate Certificate
- Music Education, PhD
- Music for Well-Being Graduate Certificate
- Music for Well-Being Minor
- Music Minor
- Music Pedagogy Minor
- Music Technology Minor
- Music, BA
- Music, BM
- Music, MM
- Musical Arts, DMA
- School of Art
- Animation Minor
- Art and Visual Technology, BA
- Art and Visual Technology, BFA
- Art Education Licensure Graduate Certificate
- Arts and Social Change Minor
- Arts Education, MAT
- Digital Media and Web Design Minor (CVPA)
- Dynamic Publishing Minor (CVPA)
- Graphic Design Minor
- Graphic Design Undergraduate Certificate
- Illustration Minor
- Photography Minor
- Photojournalism Minor (CVPA)
- Studio Art Minor
- Web Design Minor
- School of Dance
- School of Theater
- Visual and Performing Arts, MFA
- Costello College of Business
- Accounting Analytics Graduate Certificate
- Accounting for Government Contracts Graduate Certificate
- Accounting Undergraduate Certificate
- Accounting, MS
- Business Administration, MBA
- Business Analytics Graduate Certificate
- Business Analytics Minor
- Business Analytics, MS
- Business Fundamentals Graduate Certificate
- Business Minor
- Business, BS
- Business, PhD
- Chief Information Officer Graduate Certificate
- Energy Transition Management Minor
- Entrepreneurship Minor
- Finance Minor
- Finance, MS
- Forensic Accounting Graduate Certificate
- Global IT Leadership Graduate Certificate
- Globally Responsible Business Practices Minor
- Government Accounting Graduate Certificate
- Government Contracting Minor
- Human Capital and Human Resource Management Graduate Certificate
- Information Security Management Graduate Certificate
- International Business Minor
- IT Strategy and Digital Transformation Graduate Certificate
- Management Information Systems Minor
- Management, MS
- Marketing Minor
- Marketing, MS
- Operations and Supply Chain Management Minor
- Organizational Conflict Resolution Minor (CCB)
- Real Estate Development Minor
- Real Estate Development, MS
- Taxation, MS
- Technology Management, MS
- Wine and Craft Beverage Management Minor (CCB)
- Interdisciplinary Programs and Courses
- Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution
- Conflict Analysis and Resolution Graduate Certificate
- Conflict Analysis and Resolution Minor
- Conflict Analysis and Resolution, BA
- Conflict Analysis and Resolution, BS
- Conflict Analysis and Resolution, MS
- Conflict Analysis and Resolution, PhD
- Contemporary Dispute Resolution Graduate Certificate
- Mass Atrocity and Genocide Prevention Graduate Certificate
- Organizational Conflict Resolution Minor (Carter)
- Peace Engineering Minor (Carter)
- Sport and Conflict Resolution Minor (Carter)
- Schar School of Policy and Government
- American Government Minor
- Biodefense Graduate Certificate
- Biodefense, MS
- Biodefense, PhD
- Emergency Management and Homeland Security Graduate Certificate
- Global Commerce and Policy, MA
- Global Economic Policy Graduate Certificate
- Global Health and Security Graduate Certificate
- Global Systems Minor
- Government Analytics Minor (Schar)
- Government and International Politics, BA
- Illicit Trade Analysis Graduate Certificate
- International Security and Law, BA
- International Security Minor
- International Security, MA
- International/Comparative Studies Minor
- Legal Studies Minor
- National Security and Public Policy Graduate Certificate
- Nonprofit Management Graduate Certificate
- Organization Development and Knowledge Management, MS
- Political Communication Minor (Schar)
- Political Science, MA
- Political Science, PhD
- Public Administration, BS
- Public Administration, MPA
- Public Management Graduate Certificate
- Public Policy and Management Minor
- Public Policy, MPP
- Public Policy, PhD
- Science, Technology, and Security Graduate Certificate
- Terrorism and Homeland Security Graduate Certificate
- Urban and Suburban Studies Minor
- Find Your Program
- Honors College
- International Programs and Resources
- INTO Mason
- INTO Mason: Business Graduate Pathways
- INTO Mason: Conflict Analysis and Resolution Graduate Pathways
- INTO Mason: Education and Human Development Graduate Pathways
- INTO Mason: Engineering Graduate Pathways
- INTO Mason: Humanities and Social Sciences Graduate Pathways
- INTO Mason: Policy, Government and International Affairs Graduate Pathways
- INTO Mason: Public Health Graduate Pathways
- INTO Mason: Science Graduate Pathways
- INTO Mason: Visual and Performing Arts Graduate Pathways
- INTO Mason
- Mason Core
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- Policies
- Research
- Student Services
- Tuition & Fees
- Your Mason Catalog
- A-Z Courses