100 Level Courses

FOLK 100: Global Folklore. 3 credits.
Examines folklore from cultures around the world. Applies folklore studies concepts to explore folklore in students’ everyday lives. Offered by English. Limited to three attempts.
Schedule Type: Lecture
This course is graded on the Undergraduate Regular scale.

500 Level Courses

FOLK 501: Advanced Introduction to Folklore and Folklife. 3 credits.
Graduate-level introduction to folklore studies. Covers core concepts in folklore such as text, tradition, performance, aesthetics, group, and identity. Surveys major folklore genres. Offered by English. May not be repeated for credit.
Registration Restrictions:

Enrollment limited to students with a class of Advanced to Candidacy, Graduate, Junior Plus, Non-Degree or Senior Plus.

Students in a Non-Degree Undergraduate degree may not enroll.

Schedule Type: Lecture
This course is graded on the Graduate Regular scale.
FOLK 510: Folklore and Ethnographic Research Methods. 3 credits.
Introduces ethnographic fieldwork in folklore. Topics include identifying subjects of study, developing research strategies, initiating fieldwork, establishing rapport, reflexivity, representation, technology, and library and archival research. Offered by English. May not be repeated for credit.
Registration Restrictions:

Enrollment limited to students with a class of Advanced to Candidacy, Graduate, Junior Plus, Non-Degree or Senior Plus.

Students in a Non-Degree Undergraduate degree may not enroll.

Schedule Type: Lecture
This course is graded on the Graduate Regular scale.
FOLK 550: Topics in Public and Applied Folklore. 3 credits.
Explores topics in public and applied folklore, such as cultural documentation, public programming, museums and material culture, festival management, and public humanities. Offered by English. May be repeated within the term for a maximum 9 credits.
Specialized Designation: Topic Varies
Registration Restrictions:

Enrollment limited to students with a class of Advanced to Candidacy, Graduate, Junior Plus, Non-Degree or Senior Plus.

Students in a Non-Degree Undergraduate degree may not enroll.

Schedule Type: Lecture
This course is graded on the Graduate Regular scale.
FOLK 560: Topics in Genre and Theory. 3 credits.
Explores topics related to folklore genres and theory such as folk narrative, folklore and the supernatural, performance theory, gender and sexuality, bodylore, and sense of place. Offered by English. May be repeated within the term for a maximum 9 credits.
Specialized Designation: Topic Varies
Registration Restrictions:

Enrollment limited to students with a class of Advanced to Candidacy, Graduate, Junior Plus, Non-Degree or Senior Plus.

Students in a Non-Degree Undergraduate degree may not enroll.

Schedule Type: Lecture
This course is graded on the Graduate Regular scale.
FOLK 570: Topics in Regional Folklore Studies. 3 credits.
Explores topics in regional folklore studies such as folklore in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia, China/East Asia, and regional cultures in the U.S. Offered by English. May be repeated within the term for a maximum 9 credits.
Specialized Designation: Topic Varies
Registration Restrictions:

Enrollment limited to students with a class of Advanced to Candidacy, Graduate, Junior Plus, Non-Degree or Senior Plus.

Students in a Non-Degree Undergraduate degree may not enroll.

Schedule Type: Lecture
This course is graded on the Graduate Regular scale.

600 Level Courses

FOLK 601: Folklore Theory and History. 3 credits.
Overview of the history and theory of folklore studies. Covers theories and approaches central to the practice of folklore. Extends into contemporary approaches to folklore study and collection. Offered by English. May not be repeated for credit.
Registration Restrictions:

Enrollment limited to students with a class of Advanced to Candidacy, Graduate, Junior Plus, Non-Degree or Senior Plus.

Students in a Non-Degree Undergraduate degree may not enroll.

Schedule Type: Lecture
This course is graded on the Graduate Regular scale.
FOLK 690: Field School for Cultural Documentation. 3 credits.
In-depth training in ethnographic field research and fieldwork practicum. Offered by English. May not be repeated for credit.
Registration Restrictions:

Enrollment limited to students with a class of Advanced to Candidacy, Graduate, Junior Plus, Non-Degree or Senior Plus.

Students in a Non-Degree Undergraduate degree may not enroll.

Schedule Type: Lecture
This course is graded on the Graduate Regular scale.
FOLK 699: Internship. 1-9 credits.
Unpaid, approved work-study positions at specific sites arranged by interested students and their advisor. Under supervision of faculty advisor, student works as intern with site supervisor in agency of student's choosing, given advisor's permission. Offered by English. May be repeated within the term for a maximum 9 credits. Equivalent to ENGH 604.
Specialized Designation: Topic Varies
Recommended Prerequisite: A course in folklore, which may be taken concurrently.
Registration Restrictions:

Enrollment limited to students with a class of Advanced to Candidacy, Graduate, Junior Plus, Non-Degree or Senior Plus.

Students in a Non-Degree Undergraduate degree may not enroll.

Schedule Type: Internship
This course is graded on the Graduate Regular scale.

700 Level Courses

FOLK 790: Project. 1-6 credits.
Research project taken under supervision of faculty advisor and project evaluation committee. Offered by English. May be repeated within the degree for a maximum 6 credits.
Recommended Prerequisite: 21 credits in MA coursework including FOLK 501, permission of instructor.
Registration Restrictions:

Enrollment limited to students with a class of Advanced to Candidacy, Graduate or Non-Degree.

Students in a Non-Degree Undergraduate degree may not enroll.

Schedule Type: Seminar
This course is graded on the Satisfactory/No Credit scale.
FOLK 799: Thesis. 1-6 credits.
Original research endeavor related to student's work in MA program. Offered by English. May be repeated within the degree.
Registration Restrictions:

Enrollment limited to students with a class of Advanced to Candidacy, Graduate or Non-Degree.

Students in a Non-Degree Undergraduate degree may not enroll.

Schedule Type: Thesis
This course is graded on the Satisfactory/No Credit scale.