Learning Communities at Mason

A Residential Learning Community (RLC) is a group of students intentionally living together on campus who have a shared interest in an academic, identity, or interest theme. 

When living in an LC, students will join like-minded peers to explore their passion areas on a deeper level, connect to vital campus resources, and grow both in and out of the classroom. Students in the same learning communities live together in a residence hall, which makes it easier to make connections within the Mason community.

Benefits of Joining a Residential Learning Community

  • A supportive, educational, and exciting experience with a community of peers
  • A team of dedicated staff that ensures a positive and supportive student experience
  • Fun, engaging activities that focus on the interest of student's specific community
  • Opportunities to connect with other students
  • Access to academic resources and support from tutors, campus resources, and faculty
  • Interaction with like-minded individuals so that students can engage their passions and learn outside of the classroom
  • Mentoring from upper-level students who have experience in the RLC topic
  • Events and programs tailored to the RLC by content experts connected to that RLC