Office of Student Creative Activities & Research (OSCAR)

The Office of Student Creative Activities and Research (OSCAR) is home to Mason's award-winning undergraduate research program, connecting undergraduate students and faculty through course-based, co-curricular, and independent scholarly projects. Undergraduate research is a featured Mason Impact experience. 

OSCAR offers several programs that make scholarship central to the undergraduate experience at Mason, by:

  • Supporting the completion of Mason Impact Projects through Research and Scholarship (RS) courses
  • Helping undergraduate students find faculty mentors
  • Helping students find research opportunities
  • Funding undergraduate research and creative projects through the Undergraduate Research Scholars Program and Summer Team Impact Program
  • Providing funding for travel to conferences and other events through the Undergraduate Student Travel Fund
  • Hosting the annual Celebration of Student Scholarship and Impact
  • Offering OSCAR Federal Work Study Research Assistantships

Please visit our website for more information.